Project ECHO programs:
TEACCH Project ECHO Autism for Mental Health Providers; TEACCH Project ECHO Autism for Primary Care Providers; NC Family Support ECHO; NC IDD Health ECHO for Primary Care Providers

In 2013 the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCCDD) provided 3-year funding for the "Medical and Health Homes for People with Intellectual and Other Developmental Disabilities: Coordination, Collaboration and Community" to develop recommendations for the management and delivery of primary health care services and long-term services and supports. The key recommendations emphasized person-centered services and supports, access and continuity of care, and administrative and systems issues.
In 2016 the NCCDD provided 3-year funding for "From Planning to Action: Integrated, Collaborative Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities" to evaluate two demonstration pilots designed to improve the capacity of primary and community healthcare providers to care for children and adults with I/DD through consultative access to medical and clinical professionals with I/DD expertise.
• TEACCH Autism Program at UNC-CH: Increasing Access to Autism Spectrum Disorder Specialty Care in Rural North Carolina
• Duke Hospital and Health Center: NC Pediatric Access Lines (NC PAL) to provide child psychiatry consultation via phone for primary care providers.
Both projects have expanded in scope and reach.
The 2019 summary reports submitted to the NC Council on Developmental Disabilities can be found here - 2019 Summary Report
Since 2017 the NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has provided funding that has continued to advance innovative solutions that promote integrated care and foster improved health and well-being for children and adults with I/DD and ASD. Beginning in 2021, Healthy Blue contributed funding to support some of the initiatives through 2024.
The most recent policy recommendation from the MHHI can be found here - DHHS Policy Recs 2023 Annual Report